Warning: High Cube
I tie shoestrings around my posters because I don't have rubber bands impending doom impending gloom it still does haunt me all the same I don't fear death it's all the
same I'm slowly sinking closer to the ground beneath the chair
tying up the posters feels a little bit like death goodbye image, goodbye color you're so fake but ever blessed, I feel to watch you move in stillness while my eyes decieve me then
so when can I live inside you, while I wait forever then
big talk small toad sing less fall though hop skip hop jump hop hop no fun
big little pond little dry little sun little plants by the side I don't want I don't want
never mind i'mma run I don't sit I don't walk I don't stare at the pond never toads never fun
never this how bout that how bout run how bout run how bout fast what the wind what the grass what the sun beating down on my skin
what is last what is ever ever past not me not me not me how bout fast
look at them look at all the toads my guy little fucked up when they run past me by
no no don't look I'm in sd memorize the clouds better looking in the HD save screen
now please save me save screen fuck a pond half way round wanna swim yet sitting on an abject sound is it context is it no no no no I don't want that
i dont want sit down looking at the sunset, looking at my fists full, sand in my rocks, big hands in my socks. Sitting on a long text, sitting on a context no no no what a concept.
maybe I'll maybe I'll fine, maybe I'll dive when I get to the side
swim a little fast maybe slow I don't know yet maybe I'll dance with my toads in the night time